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Colorful Macaroons



You are entering the Wonderful World of Delicious Food!!



Hello! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mark Antoine Foster and I'm a Personal Chef.

If you are considering using a personal chef to prepare you delicious food, look no further.

I've seen so many great food presentations in my 45-year career in the food/hospitality industry. I've worked in a variety of food establishments, from small to large restaurants, restaurant chains, and major hotels and resorts, some being five-star establishments.

I've worked at award-winning gourmet restaurants, and upscale hotels, such as; the Ritz Carlton, Hyatt Regency, Marriot and various others.

I remember when working in the some of the catering and banquet departments in the hotels how it enhanced my knowledge about food. And how after being a part of a team of chefs that produced a variety of food presentations for large groups of clients, I realized just how competitive the food industry is. Also, I knew then that in order for food presentations to be competitive they had to be great, not just good.

Forget about Iron Chef, Gordon Ramsey and the like, food has always been competitive.

Long story short...a personal chef should know that a food presentation must be great to be competitive.

My passion has always been to create and prepare great gourmet meals for my clients.

Now, I really didn't consider myself a real chef until after I opened my first restaurant (which by the way opened and closed many years ago). Now I must confess, in less than a year after I opened, I became one of the top chefs in Los Angeles.

What is a Personal Chef?

A personal chef is someone who provides meal planning and preparation for individuals or families on a regular basis. A personal chef prepares meals according to client's culinary preferences and dietary requirements. They shop for groceries and prepare meals in their client's homes generally once a week averaging a 10-hour day. The chef typically brings all of his or her own supplies and utensils, so all you need to provide are the basics, such as your stove, refrigerator, freezer and microwave.

A personal chef also prepares meals for private dinners, and other social events like, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, bachelor parties, baby showers, and various other events.

Also, a PC is usually someone with a great deal of cooking experience, who, for a per meal fee, will prepare enough meals to last a week or a few weeks. Meals are cooked, packaged and then stored in the client's kitchen. You will be given instructions on how to warm your meals so they will taste great when you are ready to eat them.

What are the benefits of having a Personal Chef?

1) Save time and money

2) Eat healthier

3) More free time

4) Reduce stress

5) Improved nutrition

6) Better food presentations

7) More variety

8) Unique dining experience

9) Peace of mind

10. Convenience and flexibility

What's the difference between a Personal Chef and A Private Chef?

A Personal Chef is an independent contractor with various clients. A Private works for one individual or family.





At Your Service

Tel: 619 830-1148 Email:

Tell me a little about your needs so I can begin the creation process, please refer to the client questionnaire below !

Thanks for submitting!

                            Client Questionnaire



1. Do you have any food allergies or sensitivities that you are aware of? How about the rest of your family?


2. Do you have any health concerns or conditions that affect your diet?


3. Would you like your meals prepared following a par- ticular diet? Do you have a cookbook you could share with me? Or a recommendation on one I should pur- chase?


4. Do you like hearty portions, or do you want your portion size controlled? When I cook, I typically plan for 4 ounces of protein, 3 ounces of a vegetable side, and 3 ounces of carbohydrate/starch.


5. What are some of your favorite foods?


6. What foods do you dislike? What about the rest of your family?


7. Are you physically active? What kind of exercise do you do on a regular basis?


8. Which matters to you more: taste or health?


9. What's the single most important thing you'd like to get out of my personal chef service?


10. What expectations do you have of our relationship and my services?


11. How do you want your meals packaged? Individual servings or family servings?


12. Do you prefer fine dining or éveryday food?


13. Do you have specific cuisines that you favor over others?


14. Shall I discuss the menus with you ahead of time, or is it up to me to choose the menus? I can e-mail selections once a month for you to choose.


15. What days are best for me to prepare your food in your kitchen?


16. Do you want the standard 5x4 service? This is five different meals of four servings each, three days of meals left refrigerated and the rest frozen.


17. Or would you like the standard fresh service (6×4 service divided into two separate cook dates), which leaves you with only refrigerated foods and nothing frozen? With this service, I can cook for you once a week for two weeks or twice in one week. This service costs more than the standard 5x4 service.


18. How often do you want my services: weekly, twice monthly, once a month?


19. Do you want the basic meal consisting of protein, vegetable, and starch?


20. Would you like to add an appetizer, salad, or soup to your meal at an additional cost?


21. Would you like dessert included with your meals at an additional cost?


22. Generally, I will leave two or three meals in your refrigerator and freeze the rest with reheating in- structions attached. Will this work for you?


23. Do you favor salt or like saltier foods? Or are you trying to cut down on salt?


24. Are you sensitive to spicy foods?

25. Do you prefer organic products even though this will increase the cost of your meals?


26. Are there certain flavors or textures that you don't like?


27. Do you like meats cooked rare, medium, or well done?


28. If this is part of a weight loss or health goal, do you have a period of time in which you would like to achieve this goal?


29. How would you like your meals packaged? Will you supply reusable plastic? Would you prefer I buy disposables? Or will aluminum pans work for you?


30. Would you consider using my services to cook for dinner parties, special occasions, or holidays?


31. Is there anything else you would like to tell me about yourself and food?


32. Would you prefer that I contact you with questions via phone or e-mail? 

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